Orange County REMC continuously looks for ways to support our community. That is why each year we assist our young members in their pursuit of higher education by awarding scholarships to our graduating seniors. Up to six $750.00 scholarships will be awarded to students graduating from Paoli, Springs Valley, Orleans, Mitchell, Crawford County, or West Washington.
Application Deadline
February 17, 2023
How to Apply
Click on the document below to download the application. Or visit www.myremc.coop/youth-programs.
Who determines the winners?
The Orange County REMC General Manager and the coordinator for Operation Roundup Trustees will verify applicant eligibility. Essays will be presented with the identity of the applicant withheld, to three members of the Operation Round Up board of trustees for final judging.
What do I need to make sure to check before starting the application?
Applicant's parent/guardian is Orange County REMC Member
Applicant's parent/guardian participates in Operation Round Up program
Applicants must be attending an Indiana Accredited College or Trade School. If you have an acceptance letter, please provide a copy
Applicants must graduate by the end of June 2022
The scholarship recipient must not have previously attended college of hold incoming freshman status
What do I need to make sure to include before turning in the application?
Complete application
Complete essay
Up to three letters of recommendation
Professional head-shot photo for publication
Scholastic record complete
How will the applications be evaluated?
50% Essay: The essay will be judged on originality and content. Is it informative and thought provoking? Are assertions and comments supported with facts or practical ideas? Is it written from a young person’s point of view? Remember, the essay should be the work of the student applying for the scholarship. Editing, grammar, sentence structure etc., are considered.
25% Community/School Involvement: Student activities in school, at home, community, work, etc., will enhance a student’s application. Be sure to mention any special recognitions, offices you now or have held in the past, or awards you have received.
25% Academics/Letter of Recommendation: Each applicant must verify their academic standing for the current school year, and at least the previous year as well. Have your guidance department fill in the appropriate line on the application, or include a letter from a guidance counselor simply verifying your overall grade point average for the current and past year. A transcript is not necessary, but may be included if it is easier than a letter. Class ranking, if possible, is also helpful. You may submit up to three letters of recommendation from non-family members (teacher, employer, community leader, guidance counselor, pastor etc.) An exception is permitted for home schooled applicants who wish to have a letter presented from a parent instructor.
What are the essay topics?
Applicants may chose ONE of the following topics for you essay.
What is Rural Electrification? When did it begin? What is an electric cooperative? How does it different from other electric companies? Where do the profits go? What is the mission of Orange County REMC? How is Orange County REMC fulfilling that mission?
What is Operation Roundup? How does it work? Where does money come from… where does it go? What is your opinion about electric cooperatives? What is your opinion about Operation Roundup and would you recommend someone participate in Operation Roundup? Why would somebody want to participate? Who should be applying for Operation Roundup funds? What benefits are there to Orange County REMC members who contribute to Operation Roundup? What do grant recipients have to say about Operation Roundup?
Where do I submit the application?
Applications may be hand delivered to the Operation Roundup Coordinator, Hannah Carter, during business hours or mailed to: Orange County REMC, Attention Hannah Carter, PO Box 208 Orleans, IN 47452. Please do not staple paperwork or use binders.
Please contact Hannah Carter at hcarter@myremc.coop or call 812-865-2229 with questions.